Ten Different Teams Worked on Kinect Star Wars


As the notable expression goes: "Too many chefs spoil the ill-conceived cash-in."

In character you can't tell from the unspecialised lamenting and gnashing of teeth, another Star Wars-branded title has slithered from Lucas Art's gaming nascency canal. Kinect Maven Wars was released today, and has til now garnered a decidedly mixed evaluative reception. Unfortunately, no one is quite sure as shootin who is to fault for the Han and Lando dance number, as apparently a whopping decade development teams worked on the title.

According to the LinkedIn profile of Adam N Joseph, the game's major producer, he was tasked with managing "1 PC and 9 outward teams (200+ heads)" during the game's production.

Lucas Arts and Ghostbusters: The Video Game developer, Terminal Reality both worked along the game. The past teams involved include Kinectimals developer, Frontier Developments, Calendar method and Hues and Skywalker Dependable. It's rumored that stodgy shooter developer, Spark Unqualified, of Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Legendary fame, was involved as well.

There's been some speculation that Harmonix had some part in the game's founding, presented the similarities between Dance Central and Kinect Star Wars' terpsichore miniskirt-game. Speculation that Harmonix marketer, John Sir Francis Drake, was quickly to quell via Twitter:

"Pre-emptive tweet, since I'm seeing q's once again: @Harmonix and @Dance_Central have nothing to do w/the dancing mini-game in Kinect Star Wars."

Source: Eurogamer


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/ten-different-teams-worked-on-kinect-star-wars/

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